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Action on climate is the number one priority for the people of Wentworth, but a decade of denial and delay has cost us dearly. We need to act now to meet the environmental imperative of emissions reduction and seize the extraordinary economic opportunity from the green transition. That’s why I’m advocating to:

  1. Set the framework to provide policy certainty: That means legislating an emissions reduction target of at least 50% by 2030 and phasing-out the $10 billion each year the federal government spends on fossil fuel subsidies. To provide policy certainty for business, we also need greater transparency and accountability on emissions reduction plans, and integrity in our carbon markets.

  2. Accelerate the transition with a sector-by-sector approach: The global effort to decarbonize is a near $1 trillion economic opportunity for Australia, but not every sector can transition at the same pace. That’s why we need a tailored approach, that includes:

    • Electricity: Moving to at least 80-85% renewables by 2030, by investing in solar and wind, backed by storage, and with the required transmission so that all Australians benefit from the cheapest energy on earth.

    • Transport: Aiming for 75% of new car sales to be electric by 2030, through ambitious fuel efficiency standards, investing in charging infrastructure – particularly in high density areas like Wentworth – and coordinating across different layers of government through a National Electric Vehicle taskforce.

    • Industrials: Using the safeguard mechanism to efficiently drive down industrial emissions and investing in the industries of the future, such as green hydrogen, steel, and high-tech manufacturing.

  3. Support our community to seize the opportunity: Electrifying households and powering our lives with Australian sunshine would save the average Wentworth household more than $3,000 each year, whilst substantially reducing emissions. That’s why I’ll work with state and local government to drive local climate action, and advocate at the Federal level to accelerate household electrification. We also need to invest now in climate adaptation measures to build resilience against extreme weather events, and to develop the future skills needed for the green economy.

  4. Ensure strong protections for our environment: The Samuel Review identified that our environmental laws are outdated and ineffective, and we continue to put national treasurers like the koala at risk by logging our native forests. We need full implementation of the Samuel Review’s recommendations, an end to native forest logging, and a real plan to end the extinction crisis.

What have I done so far

Climate legislation and energy policy:

  • Voted to pass the Climate Bill to legislate a 43% emissions reduction target, and successfully negotiated amendments to strengthen accountability

  • Successfully lobbied the government to take action on the fossil fuel price crisis and voted in favour of a 12-month cap on gas prices

  • Advocated for tougher action on reducing fossil fuel subsidies and accelerating move to clean energy investments, including through a minimum 50% emissions reduction target by 2030

Household electrification and local action:

  • Brought together state and local government representatives, over 40 businesses and community groups, and more than 500 members of the public through the Wentworth Climate Summit , which provided practical advice on how we can power Wentworth to net zero

  • Led efforts to push for greater focus on household electrification, including by moving a motion in parliament asking the government to do more to take advantage of this huge opportunity

Transport and electric vehicles:

  • Successfully lobbied government to increase focus on transport emissions through the National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation – and provided a detailed submission to the consultation

  • Led calls for the establishment of a National Electric Vehicle Taskforce , to coordinate implementation of EV policy across Federal, State, and Local governments

  • Voted in support of Electric Car Discount Bill 2022 , to lower the prices Australians pay for EVs

  • Commenced detailed research on Wentworth’s EV charging infrastructure needs

Making your voice heard:

  • Met regularly with the Minister for Climate Change and Energy to outline Wentworth's priorities

  • Met with the Minister for Resources to raise your concerns about Labor’s gas acreage release

  • Spoke out in parliament against native forest logging , an issue of deep concern to the Environmental Voices of Wentworth Community Group

  • Provided a detailed response to the government’s consultation on the industrial Safeguard Mechanism , to help drive real emissions reduction from our biggest polluters

  • Drove international climate action, including through meetings with former COP President Alok Sharma and the UK Minister for the Indo-Pacific, as well as speaking out in parliament in support of the UN’s Loss and Damage Fund


In detail - 

Detailed Policies Climate