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Climate Change

Protecting our environment for future generations

Strong targets for 2030 and 2035

Strong targets for 2030 and 2035 that help us reduce climate pollution before it’s too late and replace the 90% of coal-fired power due to retire in the next decade.

Energy bill relief

An Energy Bill Relief Plan by giving people power over energy prices, through support for rooftop solar, batteries, and home energy efficiency.

Seize our potential

Seizing our superpower potential by accelerating our transition and creating the clean energy jobs of the future.

Climate Change| Protecting our environment for *future generations*


We’ve made progress to help protect our environment for future generations, with our electricity system now at 40% renewables. I’m proud to have helped deliver:

  • [/] Stronger climate legislation – with tougher laws to crack down on pollution from Australia’s biggest emitters.
  • [/] Efficiency standards for new vehiclesto cut new car emissions by 60% by 2030, lower fuel bills by up to $1,000, and boost EV take-up.
  • [/] More action on nature protection including increased investment via a new Nature Repair Market, stopping fossil fuel exploration at PEP-11, and properly assessing big projects’ impact on water resources.

But there’s still a long way to go and we are not moving fast enough. That’s why I’m focused on:

Future Plans

  • Accelerated action to meet and beat our 2030 target delivering energy security this decade and protecting our environment for future generations..
  • Set an ambitious but achievable goal of up to 75% emissions reduction by 2035in line with the advice from the Climate Change Authority.
  • Seizing Australia’s superpower potentialby speeding up clean energy approvals and creating the jobs and industries of the future.
  • Getting serious about nature protectionby fixing our broken environmental laws, ending native forest logging, and taking global warming into account in environmental assessments.

Watch & Read

  • Sydney Morning Herald - The $50m idea that could save renters up to $1,594 a year (link)
  • ABC RN Breakfast - Government urged to provide power bill relief (link)
  • The Guardian - Would Dutton oppose a plan to cut bills and tackle the climate crisis? (link)
  • The Guardian - Crossbench push government for emissions cap (link)

Speeches in Parliament

Permanent Energy Bill Relief Plan

  • Calls for a People Power Plan: Allegra calls on the government to fund a people power plan to lower energy bills at the May budget, 18 March 2024 (link)
  • Power bill relief: Allegra joined her crossbench colleagues a proposal that would turbocharge the installation of more than 10,000 additional hot water heat pumps, induction cooktops and energy-efficient home heating each year, 16 October 2023 (link)

New Vehicle Efficiency Standards

  • Removal of fringe benefit taxes on electric fleet vehicles: Allegra supports the Treasury Laws Amendment (Electric Car Discount) Bill 2022 which will create a viable mass market for electric vehicles, 7 September 2022 (link)

Home Electrification

  • Calls for a People Power Plan: Allegra calls on the government to fund a people power plan to combat the climate crisis and lower energy bills at the May budget, 18 March 2024 (link)
  • Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Amendment: Allegra suggests that households and businesses need to transition away from expensive fossil fuel appliances and towards cheaper electrical alternatives, 11 September 2023 (link)
  • Calls for an acceleration of household electrification: Allegra suggests that accelerating household electrification is an urgent matter of public importance, 21 June 2023 (link)
  • Shifting away from reliance on fossil fuels: Allegra proposes that household electrification is necessary for greater sustainability and climate reform across the nation, 21 November 2022 (link)
  • Importance of household electrification: Allegra urges the government to support household electrification in order to ensure better climate and cost of living crisis action is taken, 15 February 2022 (link)


  • Environmental devastation: Allegra urges the government to reform the broken environmental laws and to urgently address native forest logging, 24 June 2024 (link)
  • Petroleum & Greenhouse Gas Storage Legislation Amendment Bill: Allegra emphasises her duty to strengthen Australia’s environmental laws to prevent the accelerating and devastating climate crisis, 4 April 2024 (link)
  • Climate change: Allegra urges the government to get off fossil fuels, to stop opening new coal and gas projects, and to move as quickly as possible to renewables to protect the environment, 28 May 2024 (link)
  • Nature Repair Market Bill: Allegra highlights that this Bill will drive private investments in the environment and will allow funding to reach positive nature projects - not just offsetting environmental destruction, 7 December 2023 (link)
  • Amendments to the Nature Repair Bill: Allegra's proposed amendment allows landholders to specify whether their projects can be used for offsetting or not, 21 August 2023 (link)
  • The forestry industry: Allegra outlines the prominence of deforestation within Australia and its devastating impacts on the native species, the climate and the economy, 7 August 2023 (link)
  • The Environment Protection Amendment Bill: Allegra believes that Australia’s environmental laws are inadequate in protecting the climate, 3 August 2023 (link)

In Detail - 

Detailed Policies Climate