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Stronger Communities Grants Round 9 - Now Calling for Expressions of Interest

The Stronger Communities Program provides grants of up to $20,000 of funding for community projects to deliver small infrastructure projects to strengthen and benefit local communities.

The objective of the program is to deliver infrastructure projects that provide social benefits for local communities to encourage and support participation in local projects, improve local community participation and contribute to vibrant and viable communities.

If you are an eligible organisation, you are invited to read the Grant Opportunity Guidelines and then complete and submit an Expression of Interest Form to Allegra’s office by 5pm on Monday 24 February 2025.

All EOIs will be assessed by the Wentworth Grants Selection Committee. Successful nominees will be notified in early March and invited to lodge an application by Friday 28 March 2025. 

If you require a hard copy Expression of Interest form, or would like more information, please contact our office on 02 9327 3988.

The Business Grants Hub will be delivering a virtual information session via Teams on Tuesday 11th February from 2.30pm to 3.30pm.  No registration is required. The session will focus on the grant opportunity guidelines, with an emphasis on the changes in eligible activities and the application process for Round 9.

Other Current Grant Opportunities

Grants are available from a range of sources to help support your business, projects and organisations. A selection of current grant opportunities is outlined below. 

When searching for grant opportunities, there are a number of places you can start depending on the type of grant you need. 

In addition to this, there are numerous corporate and philanthropic organisations which may offer a grant suitable for your project. To view additional opportunities please register for a free account with the Wentworth Funding Finder which is available to the Wentworth community.  This tool provides a comprehensive database of all grants available, along with tools (including videos) to help you search, save and apply for current and pending grants as well as to set up email notifications of new grants which may be of interest. 

If you need funding, or a letter of support from Allegra for your application, please email us at [email protected] and our grants team will be happy to help.

See here for our Grant Writing Tips.

Click below for more information on current grants available -

Sydney Film Festival Competition

Amount: $7,000 to $60,000

Provider: Sydney Film Festival

Closes: 28 February 2025

Various awards available.

Aboriginal Affairs NSW – Cultural Grants Program

Amount: $500 to $20,000

Provider: NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet

Closes: 21 March 2025

Support for Aboriginal community organisations and groups across NSW to celebrate Aboriginal culture and hold cultural events and activities.

Sound NSW – Venue Upgrade Grants Program

Amount: $250,000

Provider: Sound NSW

Closes: 14 April 2025

Grants are available for dedicated live music venues to support venue upgrades that enhance audience and visitor experience. Funding will support the purchase of equipment and a range of infrastructure development works.

Sound NSW – Contemporary Music Festival Viability Fund

Amount: $500,000

Provider: Create NSW

Closes: 30 April 2025

Support for existing large-scale contemporary music festivals presented in NSW with a track record of delivering significant outcomes for contemporary music.

Gordon Darling Foundation – General Grants Program

Amount: Not specified.

Provider: Gordon Darling Foundation

Closes: 30 May 2025

General grants available to support Australia-wide, activities of importance in the Visual Arts.

Australian Cultural Fund

A fundraising platform for Australian artists. Upload your project, start your fundraising campaign and invite art lovers and supporters to donate with 100% of donations going directly towards your creative project.

For more Federal Arts & Entertainment opportunities see Office for the Arts and for more NSW opportunities see Create NSW.

Paid Employment Pathways Program – WorkFoundations Grants

Amount: $750,000

Provider: Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Closes: 11 February 2025

Support for job seekers with barriers to work who are seeking to connect to job opportunities and achieve sustained employment.

Tourism Australia – Business Events Bid Fund Program (BFP)

Amount: $50,000

Provider: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Closes: 30 June 2025

Support to increase the conversion of new international business events for Australia through the offer of financial support at the critical bidding stage.

NSW Going Global Export Program

Amount: Various

Provider: NSW Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade

Closes: Ongoing

Support for businesses expanding into international markets.

Ethical Leadership Fellowship

Amount: $23,800

Provider: Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership

Closes: Ongoing

Support for training of leaders in critical thinking and moral courage to conduct their leadership within an ethical framework.

Business Connect Program

Amount: Not specified

Provider: NSW Department of Customer Service

Closes: Ongoing

Support for NSW businesses as they navigate the challenges of starting, running, growing and adapting their business.

Landing Pads Program

Amount: Not specified

Provider: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Closes: Ongoing

Support for export-ready Australian tech businesses to expand globally and find international investors.

Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme

Amount: Not specified 

Provider: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Closes: Ongoing

This Australian Government initiative encourages investment in small-scale renewable energy. It provides incentives to households and businesses to install small-scale renewable energy systems like rooftop solar, solar water heaters and air sourced heat pumps.

Industry Growth Program 

Amount: $50,000 to $5million         

Provider: Department of Industry, Science & Resources 

Closes: Ongoing

Support for innovative small and medium sized enterprises undertaking commercialisation and/or growth projects within the National Reconstruction Fund priority areas

Launch into Work Program

Amount: Not specified      

Provider: Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Closes: Ongoing

Support for the delivery of pre-employment projects. These projects prepare eligible individuals for specific entry-level roles within a business.

Apprenticeship Wage Subsidies and Hiring Incentives 

Amount: Variable 

Provider: Department of Employment & Workplace Relations 

Closes: Ongoing

Support for the continued training and development of a highly skilled Australian workforce by providing employers with incentives to employ an apprentice. 

Small Business Skills & Training Boost 

Amount: Not specified 

Provider: Australian Taxation Office 

Closes: Ongoing

Federal tax deduction of up to 20% for external training courses for small businesses with aggregate turnover of less than $50m. Applies to expenditure incurred to 30 June 2024.

Small Business Technology Investment Boost 

Amount: Not specified 

Provider: Australian Taxation Office 

Closes: Ongoing

Federal tax deduction of up to 20% on technology expenditure to help digitise the business.

Export Finance Australia Guarantees 

Amount: Guarantee amounts from $100,000         

Provider: Export Finance Australia

Closes: Ongoing

Guarantees to assist export businesses with accessing finance. 

For more Federal opportunities see Support for businesses in Australia | and for more NSW opportunities see Grants & Programs - Investment NSW. 

NSW Primary Prevention Multi-Year Partnerships Grant Program

Amount: $500,000

Provider: NSW Department of Communities and Justice

Closes: EOIs close on 18 February 2025

This grant is designed to support community-led, three-year initiatives with clear and actionable delivery plans across metro, rural, and regional NSW that engage a range of different communities and marginalised cohorts in delivery of the NSW Government's Primary Prevention Strategy - Pathways to Prevention: NSW Strategy for the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence 2024-2028.

Families and Communities Program – Strong and Resilient Communities Activity (SARC): Inclusive Communities Grants

Amount: $360,000

Provider: Department of Social Services

Closes: 20 February 2025

Grant funding to organisations for one-off, time limited projects. These are community-driven and designed to help vulnerable and disadvantaged people participate socially and economically.

Community Building Partnership 2025

Amount: $10,000 to $100,000

Provider: NSW Department of Communities and Justice

Closes: 21 February 2025

Grants for community infrastructure projects that deliver positive social, environmental and recreational outcomes.

Indigenous Advancement Strategy – NAIDOC Local Grants Funding

Amount: $25,000

Provider: National Indigenous Australians Agency

Closes: 20 February 2025

Funding co-contribution to the cost of running a NAIDOC Week activity/event.

Stronger Communities Grants Round 9

Amount: Up to $20,000

Provider: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

Closes: EOIs close on 24 February 2025

Support to deliver infrastructure projects that provide social benefits for local communities to encourage and support participation in local projects, improve local community participation and contribute to vibrant and viable communities.

James N Kirby Foundation – Small Grants

Amount: $15,000

Provider: James N Kirby Foundation

Closes: 28 February 2025

Support for organisations working in the areas of education and technology, environment, health, social welfare and the arts.

Westfield Local Heroes

Amount: $20,000

Provider: Scentre Group Limited

Closes: 13 March 2025

Open to those working in family and youth support, health and wellbeing, inclusion and equality, community resilience or environmental sustainability.

Mazda Foundation Grants (Australia)

Amount: $150,000

Provider: Mazda Foundation

Closes: 31 March 2025

Grants available to support a spirit of community involvement through a broad range of charitable projects with assistance and funding.

Homelessness Innovation Fund

Amount: Total pool: $100 million

Provider: NSW Department of Communities and Justice

Closes: 30 April 2025

Support homelessness organisations to develop creative solutions to the housing crisis, by targeting reducing the demand for and costs of temporary accommodation and supporting proposals for service reform and innovation.

Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards (ACVPA)

Amount: Not specified

Provider: Australian Institute of Criminology

Closes: 2 May 2025

Support for programs that reduce crime and violence in Australia.

Aged Persons Welfare Foundation

Amount: $40,000

Provider: Aged Persons Welfare Foundation

Closes: 30 June 2025

Support to organisations devoted to improving the welfare and quality of life of elderly people.

Scanlon Foundation - Proactive grants

Amount: Not specified

Provider: Scanlon Foundation

Closes: Ongoing

The Scanlon Foundation provides support to organisations working to improve Australia’s social cohesion in areas where there is the greatest need.

The Walter and Eliza Hall Trust – Community Supported Small Grants Program

Amount: Not specified

Provider: The Walter and Eliza Hall Trust

Closes: Ongoing

This program aims to assist individuals experiencing immediate financial hardship. Social workers, case managers or allied health professionals employed by supporting charitable organisations (holding DGR item 1 status) may apply on behalf of an individual in need.

Westfund Community Grants Program

Amount: $3,000

Provider: Westfund Insurance

Closes: Ongoing

Support for community organisations that inspire the principles of Health and Wellbeing, Family and Community and Fit for Life.

Urban Precincts and Partnerships Program

Stream One: Precinct development and planning

Amount: $500,000 to $5 million

Funding for master planning, consultation, design, business cases and partnership establishment.

Stream Two: Precinct delivery

Amount: $5 million to $50 million

Assistance for delivery of a specified project or projects as part of a precinct. This could include enabling public infrastructure (roads, pathways, underground infrastructure), open spaces between elements, or a particular building/s that is the catalyst for, or complements, other investment within a precinct.

Provider: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts

Closes: Ongoing

Social Enterprise Development Initiative (SEDI): Capability Building Grant

Amount: Up to $120,000

Provider: Impact Investing Australia

Closes: Ongoing

Support for social enterprises, including trading Indigenous owned or controlled organisations with a defined social benefit, grow their business, scale their impact and further their missions of creating positive social change.

Community Development Grants Program

Amount: Not specified

Provider: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts

Closes: Ongoing

Support for needed infrastructure that promotes stable, secure and viable local and regional economies.

Quick Response Grants 

Amount: $10,000 

Provider: City of Sydney 

Closes: Ongoing

Support for small scale, community-led projects that encourage communities to take action to improve, enhance, represent or celebrate their local neighbourhoods. 

Awesome Foundation Grants 

Amount: $1,000 

Provider: Awesome Foundation 

Closes: First Wednesday of every month

Regular small community grants

Australian Communities Foundation 

Amount: $2,000 to $15,000  

Provider: Australian Communities Foundation 

Closes: Ongoing

Opportunity to showcase projects requiring funding to potential funders.

See also: Waverley Council Venue Hire Grants

For more Federal opportunities see Community Grants Hub. See also, the NSW Government Cost of Living hub for tips and tools, easy ways to stretch budgets, and access to trusted advice and support. 

We Care Therapy Grants

Amount: $2,000

Provider: Variety NSW/ACT

Closes: Ongoing

Financial assistance towards the cost of therapy for children with a diagnosis or condition and who do not have NDIS funding (ineligible or awaiting a diagnosis).

We Move Equipment Grants

Amount: $50,000

Provider: Variety NSW/ACT

Closes: Ongoing

Provide disability equipment that is not easily available through standard services. Supporting families in purchasing life-changing equipment to increase physical development, independence, and social inclusion. 

Variety NSW/ACT – We Join Community Grant

Amount: $10,000

Provider: Variety NSW/ACT

Closes: Ongoing

Support for projects that promote inclusion and accessibility, empowering children aged 0-18 years with disabilities or those experiencing disadvantage to feel a sense of belonging, fully participate, and reach their full potential. 

Preschool High Learning Support Needs Funding

Amount: $15,900 per child

Provider: NSW Department of Education

Closes: 7 March 2025, 23 May 2025, 15 August 2025, 10 October 2025

Support community preschools to develop and deliver individual learning plans for children with disability or additional needs.

Building Early Learning Places Program

Amount: Not specified

Provider: NSW Department of Education

Closes: 9 March 2025

Support for not-for-profit providers in the early childhood education and care sector create more spaces for children aged 0 to 6 for communities with the greatest immediate need.

P&C Transition Grant 24-25

Amount: Up to $10,000

Provider: NSW Department of Education

Closes: 30 June 2025

Support for approved OOSH services that have transitioned to P&C ownership as a result of the recent Provider Category Review.

Northern Territory School Excursion Program

Amount: $2,000

Provider: Tourism NT

Closes: Ongoing

Funding for schools choosing the NT for their next school trip.

Capital Grants for Non-Government Schools

Amount: Various

Provider: Department of Education

Closes: Ongoing

Funding to non-government primary and secondary school communities to improve infrastructure, if they do not have enough capital resources.

Patagonia Australia Grants

Amount: USD 20,000

Provider: Patagonia Australia

Closes: 20 June 2025

Support environmental organisations with direct-action agendas and a commitment to long-term change. It supports work that addresses the root causes of the environmental crisis and seeks to protect both the environment and affected communities.

Hamer Sprout Fund Sustainability Grants

Amount: $5,000 to $10,000

Provider: Hamer Sprout Fund

Closes: 30 September 2025

Support for projects which promote innovation in environmental education, facilitate engagement in environmental action, advocate for environmental sustainability and foster collaboration between young people engaged in environmental leadership.

Household and Business Battery Incentive Program

Amount: $1,600 to $2,400

Provider: Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water

Closes: Ongoing

Support for the up-front installation costs of a battery for homes and businesses with existing solar.

Wettenhall Environment Trust – Small Environmental Grants

Amount: $10,000

Provider: The Norman Wettenhall Foundation

Closes: Ongoing

Support for groups or individuals undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban.

Community Investment Program: Sustainability Rebates

Amount: $5,000

Provider: Randwick City Council

Closes: Ongoing

Support for households to implement energy and water saving initiatives.

Advancing Renewables Program 

Amount: $100,000 to $50million 

Provider: ARENA

Closes: Ongoing

Support for the reduction in cost of renewable energy including improvement in technology, reduction in or removal of barriers to renewable energy uptake and increased skills, capacity and knowledge relevant to Renewable Energy Technologies.

Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme

Amount: Not specified 

Provider: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Closes: Ongoing

This Australian Government initiative encourages investment in small-scale renewable energy. It provides incentives to households and businesses to install small-scale renewable energy systems like rooftop solar, solar water heaters and air sourced heat pumps.

Household Energy Upgrades Fund

Amount: Various

Provider: Plenti in partnership with the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC)

Closes: Ongoing

$1 billion fund offering discounted rates off Plenti's standard green loans to Australian households.

CORENA - Project Loans

Amount: Various

Provider: Citizens Own Renewable Energy Network Australia

Closes: Ongoing

CORENA provides interest-free loans to help fund climate projects anywhere in Australia in cases where the up-front capital cost is a barrier.

Waverley Council’s Environmental Grants Program will reopen for the next round in August 2024.

ARENA – Driving the Nation Fund

Amount: Not specified

Provider: ARENA

Closes: Ongoing

Support for innovation in public charging and management of charging.

Clean Energy Seed Fund

Amount: Not specified

Provider: Clean Energy Finance Corporation

Closes: Ongoing

The Clean Energy Seed Fund targets scalable, high growth potential start-ups, encouraging innovation and creating opportunities in the development of clean technology.

NSW Research Attraction and Acceleration Program – Supporting Young Scientists Equity and Access Program

Amount: $2,500 to $5,000

Provider: NSW Government - Chief Scientist & Engineer

Closes: 28 February 2025

Supports high school students wishing to further their STEM education through a related competition, event, or course either within Australia or internationally.

ARENA – Solar Sunshot Program

Amount: $1m to $350m

Provider: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Closes: Ongoing

Support for the commercialisation of Australian solar photovoltaic (PV) innovations and to enhance solar PV supply chains in Australia.

Rugby Club Foundation – Grants

Amount: $22,000

Provider: The Rugby Club Foundation

Closes: 12 February 2025

Support for grassroots rugby programs.

Athlete Accelerate Immersion Experience Grant

Amount: $10,000

Provider: Australian Sports Commission

Closes: 30 May 2025

Support for retired women athletes who are pursuing career options in the sport sector.

Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund (ACIF)

Amount: $500 to $40,000

Provider: Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund (ACIF)

Closes: Ongoing

The Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund (ACIF) provides funding for community cricket facility projects, with a focus on growing participation, promoting accessibility and inclusivity and delivering upon Australian Cricket’s strategic priorities.

Tennis Australia – Opportunity Knocks Subsidy Program

Amount: $500

Provider: Tennis Australia

Closes: Open ongoing

Subsidised coaching support, club membership fees or competition fees for young people facing financial hardship the opportunity to continue their tennis journey.

Awesome Foundation grants 

Amount: $1,000 

Provider: Awesome Foundation 

Closes: First Wednesday of every month

Regular small community grants.

NSW Community War Memorials Fund

Amount: $10,000

Provider: NSW Office for Veterans Affairs

Closes: 12 February 2025

Funds to conserve, repair and protect war memorials across NSW. 

Athlete Accelerate Immersion Experience Grant

Amount: $10,000

Provider: Australian Sports Commission

Closes: 30 May 2025

Support for retired women athletes who are pursuing career options in the sport sector.

Women in STEM Cadetships and Advanced Apprenticeships Program (Employer Grants)

Amount: $20,000

Provider: Department of Education

Closes: Ongoing

Support to promote equality of opportunity in higher education, through increasing access to, and participation of, up to 600 employed women studying Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).

Chief Executive Women Scholarships

Amount: Various

Provider: Chief Executive Women (CEW)

Closes: Various

Various scholarships to support women in business.

Women in Business

Amount: N/A

Provider: NSW Department of Education and TAFE

Closes: Ongoing

This online program supports women looking to establish a micro or small business, or already operating one.

Australian Women in Security Network - Entry Level Certification Program

Amount: Not specified

Provider: Australian Women in Security Network

Closes: Ongoing

Support for students, unemployed, those returning to the workforce to access training and obtain their first Certification in Cybersecurity.