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The majority voted in favour of amendments introduced by Mayo MP Rebekha Sharkie (Centre Alliance) on behalf of Indi MP Helen Haines (Independent), which means they will now form part of the bill.

What were the amendments about?

Dr Haines' submission explained that:

First, I propose to amend the Climate Change Authority to make sure that Australia's climate policies boost economic, employment and social benefits for rural and regional Australia. [...]

Second, I am proposing to expand the list of eligible qualifications for appointments to the Climate Change Authority. [...]

Third, my amendment requires the Minister to outline the benefits that their policies are delivering to the regions. [...]

And finally, my amendment requires regions to be explicitly considered when setting new emissions targets.

Amendment text

(1) Clause 12, page 7 (line 18), at the end of subclause (1), add:

; and (e) the impact of the Commonwealth's climate change policies to achieve Australia's greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets on rural and regional Australia, including the social, employment and economic benefits being delivered by those policies in rural and regional Australia.

(2) Clause 15, page 9 (after line 34), after subclause (1), insert:

(1A) The advice given under subsection (1) must include advice on:

(a) the social, employment and economic benefits of any new or adjusted greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and associated policies, including for rural and regional Australia; and

(b) the physical impacts of climate change on Australia, including on rural and regional Australia.


Date and time: 10:49 AM on 2022-08-04
Allegra Spender's vote: Aye
Total number of "aye" votes: 89
Total number of "no" votes: 56
Total number of abstentions: 6
Related bill: Climate Change Bill 2022

Adapted from information made available by

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