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The majority voted in favour of disagreeing with amendments introduced by Warringah MP Zali Steggall (Independent), which means they failed.

What would these amendments do?

Ms Steggall explained that:

These amendments seek to prevent misleading and deceptive advertising in the upcoming referendum campaign. These amendments, which will prohibit misleading or deceptive political advertising and referenda advertising, are a practical, popular and proven way to clean up our politics. They approach the regulation of political advertising with caution and respect for our constitutional freedom of political communication.

They are also urgent. We live in a world where our democracy is under attack from disinformation. A vote based on lies and misleading information lacks social licence and divides our communities. It lacks legitimacy and erodes trust in election results.


Date and time: 4:44 PM on 2023-03-07
Allegra Spender's vote: No
Total number of "aye" votes: 62
Total number of "no" votes: 16
Total number of abstentions: 72
Related bill: Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Bill 2022

Adapted from information made available by

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