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The majority voted in favour of a motion introduced by Goldstein MP Zoe Daniel (Independent) to suspend the standing orders so as to allow another motion to amend the temporary rules of parliament to be considered immediately. Standing orders are the usual procedural rules of parliament. This means that the House can proceed to debate and vote on that motion.

As this is a motion to suspend the rules without providing advance notice, an absolute majority of the House (i.e. 76 of the 151 MPs) must vote in favour for it to pass (which has happened).

In arguing for the suspension of standing orders, Zoe Daniel said:

The urgency of this matter to justify suspension of standing orders is as follows. The intention of the sessional orders agreed at the beginning of the 47th Parliament was that the crossbench get three questions each question time, in line with increased crossbench representation. Even in the short period parliament has been sitting, this is not the way question time has developed. This is urgent because, now, in five of the seven question times so far during this parliament, the crossbench has received only two questions, and only 18 questions were heard today. Each day that passes, therefore, reflects the denial of the opportunity to question the government on important matters relating to the community that elected this crossbench—the largest crossbench of our time.

It's important that we begin as we plan to continue in this new parliament, rather than allowing poor habits to evolve or simply turning a blind eye to deliberate, mischievous points of order. It is urgent because this is denying crossbenchers the full opportunity to represent our communities in parliament, in one of the few times we get the opportunity to speak up. It is on that basis that I put this motion.

Motion text

That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent the Member for Goldstein from moving the following motion immediately—

That all words in paragraph (a) of sessional order 65A be omitted and the following words substituted:

"(a) During Question Time, priority shall be given to a crossbench Member seeking the call on the fifth, thirteenth and seventeenth questions."


Date and time: 3:38 PM on 2022-09-05
Allegra Spender's vote: Aye
Total number of "aye" votes: 87
Total number of "no" votes: 53
Total number of abstentions: 11

Adapted from information made available by

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