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The majority voted against an amendment introduced by Clark MP Andrew Wilkie (Independent), which means it failed.

What do these amendments do?

Mr Wilkie explained that:

These amendments insert poverty reduction into each of the listed matters for consideration by the committee as they formulate any report. This seeks to ensure that, no matter which of the one or more matters that the committee chooses to include in their report, poverty reduction will need to be considered.

Amendment text

(1) Clause 3, page 2 (line 19), after "and participation", insert ", and for reducing poverty".

(2) Clause 6, page 4 (line 9), after "and participation", insert ", and for reducing poverty".

(3) Clause 8, page 5 (line 13), after "economic inclusion", insert "and poverty reduction".

(4) Clause 8, page 5 (line 20), omit "and tackle disadvantage", substitute ", tackle disadvantage and reduce poverty".

(5) Clause 8, page 5 (lines 24 and 25), omit "(d) options for tailored responses to address barriers to economic inclusion for", substitute:

(d) options for tailored responses to address:

(i) barriers to economic inclusion; and

(ii) barriers to reducing poverty;

(6) Clause 8, page 5 (line 29), after "economic inclusion policies", insert ", and poverty reduction policies,".

(7) Clause 8, page 6 (line 3), after "economic inclusion policies", insert ", and poverty reduction policies,".

(8) Clause 8, page 6 (line 4), after "inequality markers", insert ", and poverty markers,".


Date and time: 10:58 AM on 2023-11-30
Allegra Spender's vote: Aye
Total number of "aye" votes: 14
Total number of "no" votes: 64
Total number of abstentions: 73
Related bill: Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee Bill 2023

Adapted from information made available by

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