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The majority voted against amendments introduced by Fowler MP Dai Le (Independent), which means they were rejected.

Amendment text

(1) Clause 7, page 6 (line 21), omit “property; or”, substitute “property; and”.

(2) Clause 7, page 6 (after line 21), at the end of paragraph (1)(a), add:

(iv) cooperates with lenders to support the individual’s or individuals’ eligibility for a loan, and ability to obtain a loan, relating to the residential property; or

(3) Clause 25, page 17 (lines 16 and 17), omit paragraph (2)(b), substitute:

(b) the number of residential properties in relation to which Housing Australia may enter into Help to Buy arrangements, taking into consideration the current demand and need for housing;

(4) Clause 25, page 17 (lines 20 and 21), omit paragraph (2)(d), substitute:

(d) the amount, or amounts, that Housing Australia may contribute under Help to Buy arrangements in order to enable individuals to obtain home loans with lenders;

(e) the categories of individuals who will have priority under the Help to Buy Program, such as single parents, victims of domestic violence or individuals of a low socio-economic background.


Date and time: 6:23 PM on 2024-02-28
Allegra Spender's vote: Aye
Total number of "aye" votes: 12
Total number of "no" votes: 62
Total number of abstentions: 77
Related bill: Help to Buy Bill 2023

Adapted from information made available by

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