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The majority voted against amendments introduced by Wentworth MP Allegra Spender (Independent), which means they failed.

What did the amendments do?

Ms Spender explained that:

The amendments I'm moving today have six objectives, but the overarching purpose is to draw attention to the fact that the bill has real room for improvement. ... I do not object to the changes being made by the bill and will happily support it, because we need to stop credit cards being used for gambling, but the bill could have and should have gone much further and delivered more of the changes the community wants to see from this government on gambling.

For more information, see her full contribution.


Date and time: 4:35 PM on 2023-11-14
Allegra Spender's vote: Aye
Total number of "aye" votes: 14
Total number of "no" votes: 72
Total number of abstentions: 65
Related bill: Interactive Gambling Amendment (Credit and Other Measures) Bill 2023

Adapted from information made available by

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