Rising temperatures, environmental degradation and increasingly catastrophic natural disasters are all terrifying outcomes of the climate crisis we're facing. But what impact are these events having on our physical and mental health?
Join Allegra Spender MP, Professor Nicholas Talley, Chair of Doctors for the Environment and Dr Cybele Dey, child and adolescent psychiatrist and paediatrician on Zoom to discuss the impact of climate change on our health and healthcare system, as well as progress on climate and environmental reform and how we can equip ourselves & the young people in our lives in the face of climate anxiety.
Submit your questions for Allegra, Nick and Cybele on the RSVP form.
Distinguished Laureate Professor Nicholas J. Talley AC is a gastroenterologist and public health physician, researcher and educator.
Nick is a Past President of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians where he became very active in advocating about the serious health impacts of climate change, and promoting adaptation and mitigation by the health system and the community. Nick continued this work when Editor-in-Chief of the Medical Journal of Australia from 2015 to 2023.
Dr Cybele Dey is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at The Sydney Children's Hospital Network, Australia, both locally and via telehealth to rural and remote areas and is one of the Clinical Sustainability leads at the Network and co-founded the Climate and Mental Health Committee at Sydney Children’s Hospitals’ Network. Dr Dey is s Conjoint Lecturer in Psychiatry at the University of New South Wales where she researches climate change and mental health. She has published and presented on Climate Change and Mental Health in youth at National and International levels and co-authored one published and one in-press book chapter on the topic. Dr Dey is a member of Doctors for the Environment, Australia and former chair of the Doctors for the Environment, Australia Mental Health Special Interest Group. She is representing the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists at Cop29. Dr Dey is dual qualified as a Paediatrician.
Cybele recently authored an article in the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry entitled "Youth suicidality risk relative to ambient temperature and heatwaves across climate zones: A time series analysis of emergency department presentations in New South Wales, Australia".