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The majority voted against amendments introduced by Maranoa MP David Littleproud (Liberal), which means it failed.

What do the amendments do?

Mr Littleproud explained that:

This set of amendments will add to the Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Bill 2023 by clarifying, affirming and solidifying the essential roles that Animal Health Australia—the AHA—and Plant Health Australia—the PHA—have within our levy framework. The AHA represents 14 livestock industries while the PHA represents 39 plant industry members. They need to remain important players in this space. These two levy organisations are levy recipient bodies, and they are responsible for facilitating industry-government partnerships for pest and disease preparedness, prevention, emergency response and management. However, under the provisions of the government's bill, references to the AHA levy and the PHA levy have been renamed as the 'biosecurity activity levy'. These amendments, circulated by the federal coalition, will ensure that Animal Health Australia and Plant Health Australia are formally recognised in relation to this biosecurity activity levy.

Amendment text

(1) Clause 4, page 3 (after line 12), after the definition of animal, insert:

Animal Health Australia has the same meaning as in the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Disbursement Act 2023.

(2) Clause 4, page 3 (after line 20), after the definition of aquaculture, insert:

emergency animal biosecurity response deed has the same meaning as in the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Disbursement Act 2023.

emergency plant biosecurity response deed has the same meaning as in the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Disbursement Act 2023.

(3) Clause 4, page 4 (after line 15), after the definition of plant, insert:

Plant Health Australia has the same meaning as in the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Disbursement Act 2023.

(4) Clause 7, page 6 (lines 19 to 22), omit paragraphs (3)(c) and (d), substitute:

(c) expenditure on activities, including biosecurity activities, that:

(i) are undertaken by Animal Health Australia or Plant Health Australia; and

(ii) relate to the promotion or maintenance of the health of plants, animals, fungi or algae;

(d) expenditure on matters relating to a biosecurity response under:

(i) the emergency animal biosecurity response deed; or

(ii) the emergency plant biosecurity response deed;

(5) Clause 10, page 8 (lines 17 to 20), omit paragraphs (2)(a) and (b), substitute:

(a) expenditure on activities, including biosecurity activities, that:

(i) are undertaken by Animal Health Australia or Plant Health Australia; and

(ii) relate to the promotion or maintenance of the health of plants, animals, fungi or algae;

(b) expenditure on matters relating to a biosecurity response under:

(i) the emergency animal biosecurity response deed; or

(ii) the emergency plant biosecurity response deed.

(6) Clause 13, page 10 (lines 23 to 26), omit paragraphs (2)(c) and (d), substitute:

(c) expenditure on activities, including biosecurity activities, that:

(i) are undertaken by Plant Health Australia; and

(ii) relate to the promotion or maintenance of the health of plants;

(d) expenditure on matters relating to a biosecurity response under the emergency plant biosecurity response deed;


Date and time: 4:29 PM on 2023-11-15
Allegra Spender's vote: Aye
Total number of "aye" votes: 58
Total number of "no" votes: 80
Total number of abstentions: 13
Related bill: Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Bill 2023

Adapted from information made available by

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