Max Chandler-Mather
I second this motion. This government is engaging in arms trading with the state of Israel as it carries out a genocide in Gaza. This government needs to—
Milton Dick
The member will resume his seat. The Deputy Leader of the House?
Mark Butler
The Leader of the Greens had the opportunity for a personal explanation, so I now move that the member no longer be heard.
A division having been called and the bells being rung—
Milton Dick
Order. The member for Griffith and the Minister for Pacific Island Affairs are going to cease their conversation.
Honourable members interjecting—
Order the member for Griffiths, just cool it.
The member for Griffiths is now warned. Anyone sitting in that corner can also show restraint as well.
Adam Bandt
A point of order, the minister made an unparliamentary remark, and I ask you to ask him to withdraw.
Milton Dick
The minister isn't sitting in his correct seat, so that's highly disorderly if he was interjecting during a division. To assist the House, I will ask him to withdraw. I don't know what was said, I didn't hear it. The question before the House is that the member no longer be heard.
Date and time: 3:41 PM on 2024-06-05
Allegra Spender's vote: Abstained
Total number of "aye" votes: 83
Total number of "no" votes: 6
Total number of abstentions: 62
Adapted from information made available by